The Strangest Item on my Shopping list: Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 you can read it here: I listened and obeyed God when He asked me to do something strange. Something that didn’t really make sense, but I did it anyway. I posted the story with the teaser of “stay tuned,” for even I didn’t know at that time what the ending would be.

When some read my post they were excited to hear part 2. They were hoping for a cool story, a “goose bump-giving” reaction, an amazing outcome. I was, too. I thought of different scenarios. I shrugged and just figured God would let me know what I was supposed to do with that box of diapers. He told me to buy it, but he didn’t tell me what to do with it. So, it traveled around in my car for a few weeks, got banged around with some skis and other gear, with the same questions: Mom, what are we doing with these diapers?

I don’t know. I prayed about it. I asked God to let me know what to do with them. I wanted to see the person that was going to benefit from these. But the constant answer I got is that it wasn’t my business to know. It was just my business to obey.

I finally took the box to church and set it in a cradle that holds donations for the Pregnancy Resource Center. There it was. I was going to have no idea who it would go to, there weren’t any witnesses to me leaving it there. There would be no amazing grace story that I could report back to my friends. I felt a tinge of longing for something more. Not so much accolades for me, but so I could see the joy or relief in someone else’s eyes. But just when I thought, “that’s it?” I heard God whisper, “that’s everything.” Following God’s prompting even when it seems odd, different, out of our comfort zone…it’s what He wants from us. He wants us to trust that He is always up to something, many things, and we play a role in His plans if we’ll follow His lead.

I’m thinking tonight of the people that don’t think what they do matter. The people that get stuck in the mundane, every day same old life. Maybe it’s chaotic and it’s spinning and there seems to be no rest. Maybe it’s a lonely place to be and there’s not much to look forward to. Maybe you think you’re not fantastic. You’re no miracle worker, you’re not saving the planet or curing diseases. Maybe no one looks to you for expertise and there’s just nothing you do that’s extraordinary. Maybe you try but it really doesn’t seem to make a difference and there’s not really much God can use you for. He uses the great ones, the well-spoken, the popular, the ones who really have it all together. (Wrong). Wrong. He uses all of us, if we let Him. No matter how big or small the task is that you feel driven to do, if God affirms it is the right path, or better yet, if He led you to it, it’s an important part of His plan. If you don’t understand it, what it means, or how it all ends – it’s ok. Maybe you’re not meant to. It’s His business, not yours. You may just be the conduit through something larger He’s working on.

Tonight’s prayer: God, I know you’re always up to something – lots of somethings. Let me be part of your plan. Show me where you need me and I’ll go. Give me a sense of direction to do something small, big, fun, inconvenient, strange or uncomfortable to help you. I may wince, shrug, or question, but I promise I’ll try. Even if it’s something small, like calling someone that you place in my mind, or going out of my way to open a door for someone, you may actually be doing something big with it. I won’t always know the reason or outcome and I’m learning to embrace that. Use me, God, for your will. Amen.